Tuesday 25 August 2015

Selena Gomez Is So Much More Than Justin Bieber

 Selena Gomez is still trying to rise above the Justin Bieber Affair all these years later, and quite honestly, we're just not sure why. Yeah, Bieber is still doing his concert tour thing and Selena has calmed her schedule down a little bit, but we're betting that if you put Selena and Justin in a room together and asked the world to pick just one, 99% of folks would choose Gomez any day ... and it's not just because she's prettier.

In a recent interview with the Sunday Times, however, Selena laments the media's word association between her and Justin, saying, "It’s difficult for people to separate [me and Justin]. The internet wants to freeze this moment in time and constantly repeat it."
She continues, addressing the current state of her love life, saying that she's currently single. “I don’t really want anything right now," Selena says. "The next relationship will be something dear to me. There is no way I will ever hide my life."

"Sometimes you have to lie to yourself to get through the criticism [of relationships]," she maintains, "And then you’re in your closet crying. It’s been like that for me a couple of times, but I only want to learn from those things." 
As for constantly pitting her against Bieber ... or worse, for Bieber ... it's really a mystery, because honestly: when you think of what Justin's done in the last 5 years, and then analyze it against Selena, there's really no comparison. Girl has absolutely risen above, while Bieber -- well, he hasn't, and he sure doesn't seem very likely to do so. 

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