Sunday 12 August 2018

The Importance of Health and Safety Training in the Workplace

Photo credit: Pixabay

Although many organizations now take steps to boost the safety of their employees at work, the fact remains that approximately 2.2 million people are killed on the job or as a result of incidents that took place at work each year. It’s important that companies continue to take a proactive approach to this issue. That often means making modifications or additions to current workplace safety programs.
If a current program does not include occupational health and safety training for all employees, it should. It’s not enough for management alone to understand effective safety procedures. Ensuring that every single member of the team has received the proper training pays off in substantial ways.
When your whole team is compliant with safety procedures, you can increase productivity, employee retention, and protect your bottom line. If you have to pay workers compensation to an injured party, you risk losing all of these benefits.

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