U.S 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in New York yesterday, noted that, making out-of-print books (books no longer available from a publisher) accessible online is legal. This was made known when the Authors Guild and some other writers made cases on that front, claiming Internet giant Google, a company known for such practise in Google Books infringed on intellectual content laws.
Google Books over the years has repeatedly angered authors, publishers and even rival firms. This year, a copyright violation claim case was laid to the said Appeals court, which if won by the authors would cost the search company billions of dollars in damages, but yet again the claim was apparently rejected, with the legal establishment’s presiding Judge Denny Chin saying, Google’s public service of making such books accessible online definitely falls under “fair use,” making it not to advance beyond acceptable limits on laws covering intellectual property.
Following the decision made by the tribunal, favouring the search firm, it’s spokesman Aaron Stein said “this serves to underline what people who use the service tell us: Google Books gives them a useful and easy way to find books they want to read and buy, while at the same time benefiting copyright holders.”
It’s also worthy to note that just last year, the Authors Guild saw a close scanning books case against schools rejected by the Appeals Court in U.S.
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