Saturday 21 December 2013

A Reader Needs Your Advice Urgently, Guys

Well I know this might not be as serious to some people as it is to me.
I am a 20year old fair skinned girl (very fair), I am beautiful, no doubt coz I do own a mirror but my self esteem is so low it's almost vanishing.

 Growing up in the north was ok, nothing special ever happened, no place to ever go to until I moved to Lagos and I met a whole new Nigeria.
 Let me go straight to the point. I have dark spots from sunfly and mosquito bites and I have tried every 'spot removal' cream, soap, gel, wash...everything! Nothing seems to be working.

These spots are everywhere, my arms, my legs and it's very embarassing. Can't wear skirts, shorts, short sleeved shirts..nothing!!!!
I come from a community where nobody makes you feel inferior so I never really bothered, but now I am in the real world where hurtful comments fly around! Someone even suggested bleaching! But how in the world can I bleach, I am soooo fair!

Please help me out here...gimme suggestions...what you've tried and how it worked for you!
Help me get my self esteem back..

1 comment:

  1. Y dnt u try out SKINEAL, u can get it @ d pharmacy..very good for spots, eczema n all. Stay off body creams, cleansers, makeup n all for some time for it to work well. Dnt be in a hurry,cuz u dnt xpect 2 see changes immediately, it takes tym but it worth d wait. Take blood tonic too to cleanse d blood n buy amplicilin drug too.


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